Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why do I hear no cases of swine flu from China? Are they immune to the flu?

This is your lucky day Belfast Girl because I am free today and can write a detailed answer.

Many people here will claim that China has put into place a very robust screening and quarantine regime for any suspect of swine flu to check the epidemic, but sadly that has not stopped the virus from spreading in China. I have information from some inside sources that in the northern province of Shanxi, many cases of swine flu has been detected and as many as 16 pockets have been quarantined. No one is being allowed to come in or go out. The only people being allowed are the masked health workers, and all of them are being kept like a prisoner lest the information reach the nosy media.

Around 50 prison camps in China have been earmarked for keeping swine flu suspects inside China. You must remember that how nosy and secretive the communist party can be to conceal things about China. During the SARS epidemic, they obstructed outsiders to know of the epidemeic, even at the cost of endangering the lives of its citizens.

No one can know the true figure of suspects or deaths. That's a state secret in our China.Why do I hear no cases of swine flu from China? Are they immune to the flu?
There are cases. They're not widely publicized because it's not killing masses of people. China man has it right. I';ve had several friends return to China from the US this summer and they've been letting me know whats going on.

CHina does indeed have a very strong ';interdiction'; program of sorts. Folks are often quarantined (entire planes) right when they land. I've had 3 friends report this back to me this summer. NO on had pig flu, so they ended up letting one out of quarantine. So yes, it's there, but it's not that big a deal.

Not as big as SARS.

DWhy do I hear no cases of swine flu from China? Are they immune to the flu?
China Man is right.

Also because of the indiscriminate use of Tamiflu, a new drug resistant version of swine flu has developed in China. That's really a cause of concern.

But communists won't tell a thing. For them, even their fart is a state secret. LOL
LOL yeah we're immune. We only get SARS.


Yes, there are cases of swine flu here. When I was entering China, the customs saw that I came back from Canada and so they took me aside and took my temperature and told me to wear a mask.
They are really cautious about it. When anyone arrives into China they take everyones temperature and if they have a fever they put them into quarinteen. They dont release them until the symptoms are gone.
It has not really spread to such an extent as to killing off groups of people at once in Asia yet, and anyways the Communist government would try to suppress local cases as a sign of weakness.
Chinese government does not let media report such cases.
I haven't heard anything about swine flu in months, it was NOTHING, get over it.
china is big country, maybe in some place in china the swine flu haven't reached there.
because there is no one left in china to report it. they all died from swine flu
no, they do have it there.
having experienced bird flu, they have trained good teams for qualified biologists and doctors...

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