Saturday, August 7, 2010

How much powerpoint do lawyers do on their cases when they get ready for trial?

Personal injury lawyers use PowerPoint in big cases for mediation, settlement conferecnes and in re-eneactments for trials.How much powerpoint do lawyers do on their cases when they get ready for trial?
unless it is a huge trial with alot of photo evidence like a murder trial, attorneys rarely use powerpoint. It is too time consuming and frankly, most crimes don't need that kind of evidence to begin with.

Alot of people watch too many crime dramas on t.v. and get big ideas about how a case is presented.

Trust me, court proceedings are nothing like what you see on Law and Order.How much powerpoint do lawyers do on their cases when they get ready for trial?
I think most lawyers use Excel more thand PowerPoint...helps them keep track of their billing hours.

Word is probably a close second, since they have to file motions, and briefs and whatnot.

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