Saturday, August 7, 2010

What cases have impacted law enforcement practices?

Here are two BIG ones:

Miranda v. Arizona

Terry v. OhioWhat cases have impacted law enforcement practices?
O.K. how about these:

United States v. Draper - Setting the standard for probable cause.

Mapp v. Ohio - Evidence obtained by police illegally may not be used in court.

Chimel v. California - A warrant for an arrest does not justify searching the entire home.

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What cases have impacted law enforcement practices?
Miranda v. Arizona

';you have the right to remain silent....';鈥?/a>
Couple of things that has effected law enforcement is the guy backing into the patrol car and making the air bag inflate, alot of patrol cars have bumper guards on front end to prevent this now.Another is the police have cameras in their cars to prove their case in court.Both these have been a result of court cases.
Brown vs state
You have the right to remain silent... Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney.... These Miranda warnings/rights came from ';Miranda v. Arizona';

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