Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Where can I find info on probable cause to search a motor vehicle during a traffic stop? I need laws and cases

pulled over for speeding, car was searched and seized.

radio dispatch cleared my license and registration. what do i do.Where can I find info on probable cause to search a motor vehicle during a traffic stop? I need laws and cases
Your question is a little vague. What state did this happen in? Are you (or are any of the occupants) of the vehicle on probation or parole? Did you give permission for your vehicle to be searched? Do you know why it was searched? Were alcohol or drugs in the vehicle (or was there any indication that alcohol or drugs were in the vehicle?) When you say it was seized, are you referring to the police actually taking it away from you, or are you just saying it was seized while they searched it? You ask what to do...depends on what happened. Were you cited? Arrested? Was contraband of some kind found? The issue of probable cause to search anything can often hinge on very small details...I'll suggest that you're going to have a difficult time finding cases that will assist you in getting an education. You can try searching through FindLaw.Com and see where that gets you. If nothing came of the search (nobody was arrested or cited or anything), then perhaps you want to consider complaining about the officer's action to his department. If something came of it, and you're going to court, then you need to speak with an attorney. I may be able to help you sort some of this out if you'd like, but we'd probably need to do that in email. Post an address if you'd like...Where can I find info on probable cause to search a motor vehicle during a traffic stop? I need laws and cases
Once you step into your car and enter a public road, you have pretty much given up your right to privacy. Our lawmakers have somehow decided that the constitutionally protected right to privacy is not to be enforced in automobiles.

More and more, Americans are becoming strictly regulated, controlled and monitored by Big Brother. With the GOP still pushing for a permanent renewal of the so-called 'Patriot Act', expect less freedom and more government intrusion into your personal life- on the road AND off.
I have posted this site that should help you out with your probable cause case. As soon as you give the officer permission or he/she can justify the search (saw a weapon, alcohol), they have ';probable cause'; to search.

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