Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I have 240 used dvd cases I'm trying to get rid of. Unfortunately, they're not recyclable. Any suggestions?

Sneak them INTO a rummage sale lolI have 240 used dvd cases I'm trying to get rid of. Unfortunately, they're not recyclable. Any suggestions?
We have a membership group here in Canada (it's a Yahoo group membership), called Freecycle, where people exchange everything for free.

Go to Yahoo, and find another group in your city.I have 240 used dvd cases I'm trying to get rid of. Unfortunately, they're not recyclable. Any suggestions?
Put them on Craigslist.com.
Throw them in the trash.
why not put them on ebay or even have a yard sale or ask a neighbor who's having one so you can get rid of them?
you could take the paper out of them and put your pictures in them. picture frame.
I have found that DVD jewel or black cases can crack or the top or knob breaks off fairly easily. I myself have looked for replacemnts.

That said, there are a few things you can do:

1. If you yard sale, bundle them by 10's and mark for 25 cents or free.

2. Freecycles.com is for giving away things in your town tha you no longer want. You enter your zip code, and join the Yahoo! group for your area, post, and see if anyone wants them. Maybe, you could let people know they do not have to take ALL of them 240 is a big number, and someone may only want 10--you may get several responses.

3. Does your town dump have a ';swap shop';? Things that are too good to toss, and my find use in another home go there. Lots of the dumps have them--you do not even need a sticker to drop, but they may want to check what you are leaving. It is often located in the recycling area of the dump.

4. Ask around, post on a bulletin board at work.

5. Is there a college radio station near you? They may be able to use them. They may have broken ones that need repplacing, or some colleges put CD's together, and buy the CD's in a stack (which doesn't come with jewel or black cases), and need the cases.

6. Why not check your local Blockbuster? I am sure their cases get broken by customers all the time. They only have to switch out the photo, and voila! like new.

7. My last thought is art. it sounds rediculus, but community center art programs are always using the ';unuseable'; in taching kids recycling art. Maybe the college does this too.

8. If all else fails, post a Yahoo! question: Who will take my DVD cases?

Good Luck,

Robin M.
Well you could sell them. Or maybe you have a neighbor that would use them or something.
If they are in good condition, check your yellow pages for local video photographers (wedding, special events, etc). Most companies have their own printed inserts which they could slide into the old cases for customers who order a DVD or audio CD. But they would probably only be interested if they look new. If you have an EBay account that would probably be more successful if they are not in great shape and you are simply interested in finding them a second use.

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