Saturday, August 21, 2010

3 Million new cases of STD's are being reported amongst teens each year?

don't you think safe sex is the need of the hour?3 Million new cases of STD's are being reported amongst teens each year?
Yes, but they education of sex is lacking a whole lot. I remember when I was in school and we had sex ed, and they did show us all the pictures and the birth of a baby. I was traumatized, I did not have sex till I was 17, and I made sure I had a condom.

However, I work with teen mothers and their children, and this has really gotten out of control. I think that it should be mandatory in every school starting in the 5th grade. I live in a rural community and our teen pregnancy rate is like 30%, and the numbers increase with second births. You will not believe the number of girls that I see who are only 16 with 2 kids already. I know several girls who have a min of 4 kids b/f the turn 21.

Now you can just imagine the numbers when it comes to STI/STD's. We also have a very high rate of HIV, and we are in the top 10 in South Carolina. The majority of the cases that are diagnosed are in there late 20's and early 30's, and it takes up to 5 years for it to show in a lot of cases. I remember seeing on here the other day about this guy who was 14, and was having a problem with getting girls to have sex with him. He didn't want his guy friends to know that he was still a virgin, so he wanted to know which std was the safest. All this for friends. Its crazy, that most teens don't care because of the fact that they think that everything can be fixed with a pill.

Using condoms for all sexual activity is a must. The also don't understand that you can pass std's by mouth. There are a lot of teens who think that having oral sex is ok, but guess again. An std can live in the back of the mouth, and still can be passed on to the areas down below without even having intercourse. I know I educated my teen moms about this all the time, because some std's don't never go away. For example, herpes!3 Million new cases of STD's are being reported amongst teens each year?
All you have to do is read the questions and answers from the teens on yahoo answers, you'll soon understand why they're are so many std's out there, these kids now days either don't care or have no sense of danger to these std's. I have ask and then told all my grand children about std's and pregnancy, they're amazed at some things they didn't know about. The schools tell them about the ';rag'; and condoms and it ends there.
absolutely. We need to start properly teaching children about safe sex - the current state of sex ed is a joke as witness by the fact that teen pregnancy and std's are rife. There was an interesting program on once where they tried showing kids what happens to your body when you get stds by showing them very graphic photos. They also made them watch a video of child birth. Every child came away from that class saying they would always use condoms.
Heck ya. But, I don't think it's the number one answer among these teens. We can only hope for the BEST!
Doesn't everyone?

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