Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do you feel that the death penalty is warranted in some cases?

just by the heinous nature of the crimeDo you feel that the death penalty is warranted in some cases?
yes, it is, I would take it further in some cases than it is. I think some types of violent rape should require the death peanalty, also, any sexual or brutal crime against a child, as well as murder,

The Scriptures tell us clearly that if a man kills he should die. That is the only way to make up for it. And it has been proven that for every criminal we put to death, we save 15 lives, the problem is that it's so hard to put criminals to death that a lot of murders are not scared of it, or at least not scared enough.Do you feel that the death penalty is warranted in some cases?
Yes. I just wish it was used in every case of serial murders and crimes against children. Funny you should ask, some friends of mine have a teenage son who committed a murder. In an attempt to mug a man to get drug money, he hit the victim harder than he intended and killed him. He recently found out that there will be no plea bargain and he faces the death penalty. All I felt was sadness. I don't always agree with who gets this penalty and who doesn't. I know this boy did a terrible thing and should be punished. But then I think of his parents and how tragic this is. I don't think this young man should get death. Strange how one day you are so firm in a particular belief and then the next day something happens to test it. EDIT- His accomplice was just given life with no possibility of parole. The other is on suicide watch at our local jail awaiting trial. But it looks as though they will escape the death penalty.
There definitely are some humans so demented and dangerous that it's tempting to just want to flush them out of this world. But I maintain that the death penalty isn't the answer.

My opposition isn't based on religious or moral grounds, but more practical reasons.

Sentencing ';convicted'; murderers to life without possibility of parole will:

1) Allow the victim's friends and family to be relieved of the years of agony having to show up for all of the killer's appeals.

2) It will cost the state far less money to incarcerate the killers than to spend decades and tax dollars trying to kill them.

3) Innocent people convicted of murder won't be themselves murdered by the state.

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