Saturday, August 21, 2010

What happened to the Republican party? Is it just me or are they really are all crazy nut cases? I use to be?

I use to be a Republican...but I swear I could never go a Registered Nurse (MSN) I see that we need health care reform...and we need to have a single payer system...we also need government regulation and rules to play by.....Reaganomics and trickle down theory will not work.....What happened to the Republican party? Is it just me or are they really are all crazy nut cases? I use to be?
I'm Republican and I'm not a nutcase. I just prefer a non-socialist government.What happened to the Republican party? Is it just me or are they really are all crazy nut cases? I use to be?
I used to be a Republican back when there were moderate Republicans and the neocons and Reaganites and religious right hadn't taken over the party. That is what happened. Now I am a proud Obama supporter. Now I would have nothing to do with these extremist nuts and their conspiracy theories. Republicans are on the whole more racist, less educated, and inclined to believe the most insane fantasies are fact. Reaganomics was proven not to work just as similar ideas were in the past, only the rich got richer, but Republicans never learn.
Single payer is the ultimate fear of conservatives. This is what Great Britain and Canada have. The British think we're nuts for even contemplating it.

Tort reform is a start. You should know better than anybody how much malpractice insurance and suits cost doctors. The one good thing about Obamacare is portable, electronic records (security still an issue). Tort reform would also go a long way in eliminating redundant tests. Another step in that area would be to create a certification for each type test. A certified test can be made in Omaha and used without fear of lawsuit by a doctor in L.A.

Medical plans that can follow you after you leave a place of work would be a big help. It would be kind of like an IRA. COBRA sucks.

Multi-state associations would increase competition.
Yes, I used to be Republican also, and now am an independent.

The Republican party has indeed fell apart, and has been taken over by right wing nut cases.

Leaders such as Colin Powell and others see this.

As long as the party continues like it is, it will continue to be pretty much irrelevant.

They need a strong moderate leader to emerge. Surely there is one somewhere.
Reaganomics did work. Read about the Laffer curve. It's admirable to want to help people and fix a problem. I'm not a Republican, because I think they're too moderate. The Gov't is like a corporate monopoly of astronomical proportions, and they manage money worse than GM. The solution lies in tweaking the free market, not eliminating it.
There are reasonable Republicans, but now they are afraid to distance themselves from the nut cases for fear of splitting the party. That will happen in 2012 though, when the right wing fringe tries to nominate Sarah Palin for president.
I'm a nurse, and need my money to bad to redistribute it to people who do not want to go to college and better themselves

if you are truly a nurse, you would know most nurses and doctors do not want national healthcare, at least not in the hospital i work
Isn't freedom of choice wonderous, and you are in the minority.
You used to be Republican? So you've regressed back to childlike delusions? People usually grow up and out of their liberal utopianism.
You and me both. I was a rep until I was about 32, then I grew up. But, back then, reps weren't like this. Now they believe in crazy conspiracies, and are waaaayyyy out there.
Bravo! Big Insurance doesn't want competition. And in California, United Health is denying 35% of its claims.
Right. I know plenty of registered nurses who see what a disaster Obama's plan will be.
REpublicans thrive off anger and point the blame on others. Conservatives in general base their entire system on fighting would anyone want to be apart of that?
Ya uh huh I need a liberal to tell me if my newborn who was born 11 weeks early should be able to live or die. Sure.

I will stick to the republican party.
Gee - how come tort reform never gets mentioned?

p.s. I wouldn't mind seeing your wages get cut - you sound a little too pompous for my tastes.
Based on your train of thought, I'm glad you took it of the Republican transit system. They are better off without you.
English lesson for the day: ';use'; should be ';used';.
Evidently, we're the majority.

Unless you want to admit that Van Jones was forced to resign all because of Glen Beck.
Oh yeah sure, we are all crazy nuts............ but look who just resigned from congress??????? Guess he couldn't take the heat! LOL!!!
Its just you
you will make a fine commie

I agree. They are nuts.
keep thinking like you do it will only help us

do we need to redo our healthcare yes

but do we need obama care? no
blah blah blah, no we dont..

Stop watching msnbc late at night..
It is all they have going for them right now.

-they lost power after seriously f-ing everything up

-they have no solutions for the current problems

so, what do they do? They obstruct government and deceive the public.
If you want to see a bunch of simply crazy comments, go frequent the Republican sites and read the comments left on the message boards.
the Republicans basically decided to pander to the religious right...

turn against science... and focus on nationalism and the Bible...
The party has been infiltrated by Conservatives that make it hard for true Republicans.

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