Saturday, August 7, 2010

In cases of parenting mistakes/ wilful children, why is it that?

some regular CE users think that social services can dive in and snatch the kids away from that family home and it will be better for them?

Should families be split at the first sign of a mistake or should they be helped to work together?

i guess what i am saying is why do some people think that children are automatically better off in care?In cases of parenting mistakes/ wilful children, why is it that?
families should be helped to work together.In cases of parenting mistakes/ wilful children, why is it that?
Social services are not there purely to take children away from their parents. For a start they do not just work with children but on the side of all vulnerable members of society but that's for a different rant.

Social services will work with the family and make sure they have exhausted every option of making a family work before a child is taken off a parent. And that means things like counselling, advising the parent on parenting skills, respite care (weekends with another relative or at a foster carers).

The majority of times if the child is taken away from their parents they will be placed with a relative so that the parent can still maintain a relationship with the child under supervision.

Social services have a hard job, they are either painted as child snatchers or pencil pushers who do nothing, thanks the tabloids printing every failing.

They cannot see to a family if the suspected abuse is not reported. And now you cannot report anonymously as too many people were abusing the system.
Social Services primary aim is to keep families together...whilst ensuring the welfare of the child at the same time.

Families that are identified as having any type of problems,which need further intervention first have to be visited by 2 social workers who make their seperate assessment of the living situation.

This then sets off a chain of events,involving several meetings with care managers,social workers,key workers,the police,GP's and anyone else involved in an official capacity..This can take weeks,if not months...a lot of input is needed,from a lot of people,just to set the wheels in motion.

Unless this a particularly urgent case, parents are offered practical solutions,as 'not here' said,family support workers,counsellors,respite care etc...

It's not as easy as knocking on someones door,and saying ';You're a druggy chav - hand over your kids';

Some terrible mistakes have been made of late,but in my mind,better training and more social workers are needed before this problem can even begin to be addressed.

In short...people should spend less time being outraged,and look at the bigger picture.

There ya go....rant over!
Families should certainly not be split at the first sign of a mistake. Unfortunately, the cases that come to press however are very different from this - quite often, these children have been let down by social workers, the police, doctors and consultants. This causes public outrage to see a young child die when a layman could see that a child is being physically and mentally abused. Baby P is a good example of course but he isn't the first to be let down and he will not be the last.

Children do not generally do well in the care system and so wherever possible it is best to keep them with their parents but only if they are not being beaten half to death. My parents used to foster children and I have seen some sights I can tell you - children covered from head to foot in bruises, children that are scared of the rain because they have never been out in it in their lives - we had one kid that couldn't walk properly - why, because he had shoes that were several sizes too small. The sad thing is that most of the time, those kids do go back to the parents and as foster carers, we just prayed to god that the parents had learned some kind of lessons.

More help does need to be given to parents that geniunely want help and are prepared to let the right people into their lives to get it. Sadly, if you are abusing your child, you are more likely to want to hide from authorities and do just about anything to avoid social services rather than let them in to help.

Every child deserves to be bought up in a caring environment, free from abuse, free from fear and be to be guided into adulthood to be balanced and positive people who can make something of their lives.
I think that all children should be cared for. I know that parenting is the hardest job in the world (which is why I`ve chosen not to do that). I think parents should be encouraged in seeking support, and the stigma in asking for help in parenting should be lessened.

The child is the most important one, though. If that child has to be cared for by other people (ie: `in care`) then that should happen. Life is precious, and children are the weakest members of our society therefore should be the highest priority.
It has been the practice to keep kids with their parents at all costs for a while now and that came about for a reason.

As sad as it is, the bond and attachment a child feels towards a parent is immeasurable. Children who went through the care system at the time when they were removed at first sign of any neglect all wished they had been left and their parents supported. That system was shown to have the least ill effects on a child .

It's hard to accept when you see druggies with kids - christ knows I've seen many in my time , their kids running behind their trail of chaos :(

Yet unless the child is living with serious abuse such as it threatens their life then no matter what anyone says on this board - the child should stay.Most look at the problem far too simply. I've got two mates who are social workers btw one of them works with the probabtion service.

Care in this country is no fail safe. 75% of the prison population went through the care system. 75 % how utterly fooking damning is that?

Besides most of the really bad drum bangers on here have issues ~ for all there anti this, and anti that, and zero tolerance blah blah I wouldn't let my kids within an inch of them, it's the old adage of those who shout the loudest.....
Because judging other people, and finding them wanting, makes us feel better about ourselves.

If every child being raised by crap parents were to be put into care it would start to look like the pied piper had come to town.

And these knee jerk comments are usually made by people who have ZERO knowledge of social services and the care system.
being a parent can be the hardest thing in the world and sometimes we make mistakes

I think a lot of the time things can be worked out within the family with some added help but in the case of abuse then i the child is in most instances better off away from the abuser (but that's not to say things can't be worked out in those instances either)
There are plenty of horror stories about foster care homes including slavery, prostitution, and torture. So kids are at risk in the ';System'; as well as in their parent's home or homes.
i think kids are better off with responsible parents, whether they are the biological parents or not.

i know 2 couples who want kids but can't have any, they would give their right arms for a child like peter connolly.
Its a knee jerk reaction when cases like baby p come to light, people just want children to be safe.
yes whip them all into care. especially the ones who feed their children sweets and crisps during meal times.. terrible

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