Tuesday, August 24, 2010

At what website can I find cases of Montana spray paint?

Ah, a graff artist, are we? http://www.bombingscience.com/ has a store with everything you'll need, but prices could be better. Of course, search ebay.At what website can I find cases of Montana spray paint?
I have never heard of it and I live in Montana.At what website can I find cases of Montana spray paint?
I would try at a major hardware store like Loews, Menards, Home Depot first to see if they carry it. Buying it online is going to cost you for shipping and handling.

When Derek proposes to Meredith, what are the names of the episodes of the cases he is talking about?

the first one he talks about is actually her very first case, so it's the pilot and at one point he talks about their medical trial and it's the finale of the 4th season

Looking for law case numbers of Canadian frozen embryo cases?

Where couples got divorced leaving frozen embryo future undecided.Looking for law case numbers of Canadian frozen embryo cases?
have you tried searching through www.findlaw.com

Where can i find the vertical cell phone cases that hang from your belt loop?

Your local phone company...if you haven't tried that. Maybe in a one of those stands in the mall. Good Luck
  • origins
  • If Obama has terrorist detainees enter US soil with full rights does posse comitatus their civilian cases?

    Do you remember the Mariel boatlift in 1980...... I was in the military and flew around the compounds at Fort Indian Town Gap Pa. on a Huey with a 60.... And if you look you will find that there were military personnel killed during the riots in the compounds, So where was the posse comitatus then? I know that times have changed quite a bit since then but I am sure that some level of governmental authority will oversee the program. Regardless of how well hiddenIf Obama has terrorist detainees enter US soil with full rights does posse comitatus their civilian cases?
    You didn't read the Republitard Yahoobot鈩?HQ white board correctly this morning. That was yesterday's . Today it's ';attack global warming day';.

    perhaps you need another cup of coffee?If Obama has terrorist detainees enter US soil with full rights does posse comitatus their civilian cases?
    No. It's irrelevant. And you make no sense in your question.

    Is it possible for me to transfer PC cases?

    I'm wondering is it possible and how I can transfer my PC cases.

    I'm using a Inspiron 531 and I would like to transfer it into a Powmax Bio II CP601-1 atx mid tower case.Is it possible for me to transfer PC cases?
    With any type of pre-made computer like the Inspiron you will run into some difficulties, because the manufacturer usually uses proprietary parts in the case. Is the new case completely new or do you just want to have the same stuff on the old one to be on the new one? In that case you just need to transfer the hard drive to the new computer case.

    I don't know what the inside of an Inspiron 531 looks like, but if you can basically size up the motherboard and it looks like it will fit, then it should, the dimensions of motherboards are pretty standard and if the new mid tower case is relatively the same size then it should fit.

    Hope I helped,

    TerahertIs it possible for me to transfer PC cases?
    No. Dell motherboards and cases are proprietary so it wouldn't work. For most other computer manufacturers, it would work just fine though.

    I need to know where i can buy cases of tomatoes in albany georgia?

    Why don't you try the farmer's market just off Oakridge...

    Where can I buy funky, kitch, retro pencil cases in the UK?

    Any online shops, which sell cool pencil cases?Where can I buy funky, kitch, retro pencil cases in the UK?

    They sell other really cool stuff as well

    I love that site

    How does the FBI investigate Child Porn cases.?

    On a case to case basis, and very vigorously.How does the FBI investigate Child Porn cases.?
    going by some of the spam i have received ...

    not very wellHow does the FBI investigate Child Porn cases.?
    the internet is the biggest way...
    tracking your IP address

    Cases of Swine Flu in Dominican Republic?

    Can anyone please tell me if there have been any cases of Swine Flu in the Dominican Republic? My parents are vacationing there right now and i'm not sure if i should be worried or not...thanks in advance!Cases of Swine Flu in Dominican Republic?

    There are none :D

    I hope your perents get back safely!! :DCases of Swine Flu in Dominican Republic?
    lol i live in dominican republic and my mom is freaking out shes like dont go to school dont touch people dont talk to them! but i havent heard of a case here yet

    Report Abuse

    Returned from Punta Cana resort 4/29 after 2 week sick vacation.

    I was very sick with flu symtoms and felt the resort was not supportive of isolation or guest care.

    No food can be taken from dining room to bring to me - but ok for me eat in dining room if hands washed. Not a very safe policy.

    Report Abuse

    No. You can track the swine flu outbreak on this website:


    or here: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8%26amp;h鈥?/a>
  • origins
  • Do you know what streets in New York City (ex: 98th and 5th) that iPhone cases are sold off the street?

    I just got an iPhone and I work in NYC this summer. I've always seen stands that cell cases, but now when I need one of course I don't see them anymore! If any of you know specific streets or certain areas that these stands are located that would be really helpful because I need a cheap but durable hard case. Thanks!Do you know what streets in New York City (ex: 98th and 5th) that iPhone cases are sold off the street?
    Yes, I believe you can go to Chinatown (Canal Street on the 6 train) and they have a lot of on-the-street places where they sell iPhone cases.Do you know what streets in New York City (ex: 98th and 5th) that iPhone cases are sold off the street?
    Right off the bat I can tell you theres a stand like that right outside the 207th Station on the A line.

    Cases of confessions taken by the police that were supressed?

    The most well known is the Miranda VS Arizona. Miranda was read his rights and requested a Lawyer to be present when questioned. Since he was considered to be in ';Custodial Interrogation'; the police got a confession from him after he requested a lawyer and the court of appeals suppressed his confession. (Laws of Self Incrimination 5th Amendment)


    Criminal Justice StudentCases of confessions taken by the police that were supressed?
    Do like the rest of us READ!!!

    Cases In Which Violence Is Justified ?

    Can anyone give me a (fairly) recent case in the news where violence is justified?

    Thanks, 10 points best answer.Cases In Which Violence Is Justified ?
    An Indian farmer鈥檚 daughter disarmed a terrorist leader who broke into her home, attacked him with an axe and shot him dead with his own gun.

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnew鈥?/a>Cases In Which Violence Is Justified ?
    not recent...but a classic case of justified violence...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Stra鈥?/a>

    he murdered many women in a most brutal way...went to prison %26amp; was murdered by fellow inmates...nobody ever owned up to his murder %26amp; we do not know who did it to this very day. he deserved what he got!! justice for the families!
    We had a case which went to court around this area last month and I was asked to be a witness. Three men broke into an asian family's house during ramadan and tied one of the sons up and asked the mother to lie on the floor. They had knives. The father returned from the mosque and got his neighbours to get sticks and chase one of the men out of the house.Outside my property they beat the burglar senseless. They have both been charged with grevious bodily harm but I cannot help wondering that if that was my mother, I would have expected them to do the same to protect their family. If you look up Hussain and Reading Crown Court you will see the case.
    Casey Anthony, I think they should put her general population and let the other inmates have a whack at her, I would bet she wouldn't last more than 10 minutes
    lots of cases but mainly where people are taking liberties in the smug assumption that i will not deform them if they do so.
    I'm not sure if it was justified but you could refer to the Steven Gerrad case, he was let off.
    If you came home and found your wife in bed with your brother, best friend or postman.

    Has there ever been any cases where a female rape victim has hunted down, beaten and murdered the rapist(s)?

    it's a followup question from a previous one...i'd figured that others reacted slightly differently from suicidal....i'm asking such questions cause i'm trying to get a better understanding of what a friend of mine had underwent.Has there ever been any cases where a female rape victim has hunted down, beaten and murdered the rapist(s)?
    the woman that the movie Monster was based on..Aileen Wuornos.she more or less did thatHas there ever been any cases where a female rape victim has hunted down, beaten and murdered the rapist(s)?
    very unlikely because most women would be afraid of being raped again by the rapist.

    I have 240 used dvd cases I'm trying to get rid of. Unfortunately, they're not recyclable. Any suggestions?

    Sneak them INTO a rummage sale lolI have 240 used dvd cases I'm trying to get rid of. Unfortunately, they're not recyclable. Any suggestions?
    We have a membership group here in Canada (it's a Yahoo group membership), called Freecycle, where people exchange everything for free.

    Go to Yahoo, and find another group in your city.I have 240 used dvd cases I'm trying to get rid of. Unfortunately, they're not recyclable. Any suggestions?
    Put them on Craigslist.com.
    Throw them in the trash.
    why not put them on ebay or even have a yard sale or ask a neighbor who's having one so you can get rid of them?
    you could take the paper out of them and put your pictures in them. picture frame.
    I have found that DVD jewel or black cases can crack or the top or knob breaks off fairly easily. I myself have looked for replacemnts.

    That said, there are a few things you can do:

    1. If you yard sale, bundle them by 10's and mark for 25 cents or free.

    2. Freecycles.com is for giving away things in your town tha you no longer want. You enter your zip code, and join the Yahoo! group for your area, post, and see if anyone wants them. Maybe, you could let people know they do not have to take ALL of them 240 is a big number, and someone may only want 10--you may get several responses.

    3. Does your town dump have a ';swap shop';? Things that are too good to toss, and my find use in another home go there. Lots of the dumps have them--you do not even need a sticker to drop, but they may want to check what you are leaving. It is often located in the recycling area of the dump.

    4. Ask around, post on a bulletin board at work.

    5. Is there a college radio station near you? They may be able to use them. They may have broken ones that need repplacing, or some colleges put CD's together, and buy the CD's in a stack (which doesn't come with jewel or black cases), and need the cases.

    6. Why not check your local Blockbuster? I am sure their cases get broken by customers all the time. They only have to switch out the photo, and voila! like new.

    7. My last thought is art. it sounds rediculus, but community center art programs are always using the ';unuseable'; in taching kids recycling art. Maybe the college does this too.

    8. If all else fails, post a Yahoo! question: Who will take my DVD cases?

    Good Luck,

    Robin M.
    Well you could sell them. Or maybe you have a neighbor that would use them or something.
    If they are in good condition, check your yellow pages for local video photographers (wedding, special events, etc). Most companies have their own printed inserts which they could slide into the old cases for customers who order a DVD or audio CD. But they would probably only be interested if they look new. If you have an EBay account that would probably be more successful if they are not in great shape and you are simply interested in finding them a second use.

    Which of these 2 computer cases is best for the average computer?



    Would a 9.6';x9.6'; motherboard fit in them because the widths are both less than 9.6'; but most of the cases I've seen have widths less than 9.6';Which of these 2 computer cases is best for the average computer?
    the destroyer is a nice case, and you can customize it how you want it
  • origins
  • At what age do most cases of emphysema begin at? Also, if you have smoked for 20 years and then quit, can the?

    lungs rebuild themselves? Do they begin a healing process on their own? I've heard that lung function increases after years without smoking, is that true? When do most people get emphysema? (what age). Answers from doctors are especially appreciated. Thank youAt what age do most cases of emphysema begin at? Also, if you have smoked for 20 years and then quit, can the?
    The latest studies show that emphysema can begin developing even in young smokers. Then it worsens with time. Lung function does improve if you stop smoking and further damage is reduced. However, the damage that causes emphysema is permanent. What's worse, the emphysema can continue to worsen even after smoking has stopped.

    How do I recycle DVD cases?

    Does anyone know of a website/official acceptance facility for used DVD cases? Does anyone want 20 DVD cases? I need to get rid of them in late November. How do I recycle DVD cases?
    go to www.earth911.org type in what you want to recycle and your zip, if there is a local recycle center that takes that item you'll get a list.How do I recycle DVD cases?
    You can always post this on freecycle.
    Post it on Freecycle

    Do they really make brief cases designed with the measurements of money in mind or is it a coincedence?

    Wildly improbable since every currency has its own dimensions. And the USA is one of very few countries which makes every denomination of banknote the same size.Do they really make brief cases designed with the measurements of money in mind or is it a coincedence?
    Good question. Sorry I don't know.

    Which of the below 2 cases can yield more fuel efficiency and why ?

    1. car goin down hill in its top gear(say 5th), without using accelerator

    2. the same car goin down hill in neutral gear, n the engine is running in idel

    REMEMBER IN EITHER OF CASES ACCELERATOR IS NOT USED N THE ENGINE IS RUNNINGWhich of the below 2 cases can yield more fuel efficiency and why ?
    In many modern car engines there's a fuel cut-off valve. In that case, the 1st scenario burns less fuel and contributes to the overall fuel economy.

    The 2nd sceenario (coasting, especially downhill) is UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED; it should be avoided regardless of fuel economy considerations.Which of the below 2 cases can yield more fuel efficiency and why ?
    2 but don't forget is dangerous to keep neutral while your vehicle in speed, because it will take more time to get to stop,

    when the car is in gear it stops much faster then it would be in neutral.
    The second case is more fuel efficient as the engine is idle at that time.. N hence there is no consumption of petrol or diesel..

    Mention and explain 3 historic cases of civil disobedience in the world?

    Wikipedia has a good article on the subject:


    Civil disobedience has served as a major tactic of nationalist movements in former colonies in Africa and Asia prior to their gaining independence. Most notably Mahatma Gandhi developed civil disobedience as an anti-colonialist tool. Gandhi stated 'Civil disobedience is the inherent right of a citizen to be civil, implies discipline, thought, care, attention and sacrifice'. Though some biographers opine that Gandhi learned of civil disobedience from Thoreau's classic essay, which he incorporated into his non-violent Satyagraha philosophy, Gandhi in Hind Swaraj observes that 'In India the nation at large has generally used passive resistance in all departments of life. We cease to cooperate with our rulers when they displease us.'[1] Gandhi's work in South Africa and in the Indian independence movement was the first successful application of civil disobedience on a large scale.

    South Africa

    This famous movement was started by Nelson Mandela. Mandela, along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Steve Biko advocated civil disobedience. The result can be seen in such notable events as the 1989 Purple Rain Protest, and the Cape Town Peace March which defied apartheid.

    United States

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and young activists in the American civil rights movement of the 1960s also adopted civil disobedience techniques, and antiwar activists both during and after the Vietnam War have done likewise. Since the 1970s, pro-life or anti-abortion groups have practiced civil disobedience against the U.S. government over the issue of legalized abortion.


    Sondhi Limthongkul, and other pro-democracy activists in the Thailand pro-democracy and anti-Thai Rak Thai movement begun in 2005 have adopted civil disobedience techniques to oust former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. As of 27 August 2008,Sondhi and either other PAD leaders have had arrest warrants issued against them for what they view as civil disobedience.

    Religious examples

    Many who practice civil disobedience do so out of religious faith, and clergy often participate in or lead actions of civil disobedience. A notable example is Philip Berrigan, a one-time Roman Catholic priest who was arrested dozens of times in acts of civil disobedience in antiwar protests. Also, groups like Soulforce, who favor non-discrimination and equal rights for gays and lesbians, have engaged in acts of civil disobedience to change church positions and public policy. 'Operation Rescue' was an ecumenical Christian movement exercising civil disobedience to peacefully block access to abortion clinics.';


    For another one similar to the one below, there was a marijuana ';smoke-out'; on 4/20 (as in 4:20) this year at the University of Colorado.

    And another recent one, a very small sit-in against the War in Iraq by two veterans: ';Yesterday, Feb 27th, I participated in my first open act of civil disobedience as part of the Occupation Project. I along with St. Louis local chapter President Chuc Smith, three other veterans; Jim Allen, Harry Wyman and VFP office manager Cherie Eichholz and Military Families Speak Out Member D. Ridgley Brown visited Representative Russ Carnahan's office to continue our conversation to persuade him to vote down any bills that continue to provide funding for the war in Iraq. Jim Allen and I decided to sit-in to protest Carnahan's refusal to pledge not to continue funding for the war. As a result, Jim and I were arrested.';Mention and explain 3 historic cases of civil disobedience in the world?
    You'll get lots of answers, so here's a couple no one else would give you:

    Italian truckers' attempts to frustrate Iraq war


    Marco Panella (in Italy) hands out cannabis for free, including on national TV, to protest Italian drug laws


    Where is manufacturer of flight cases for Yamaha LS9-32, LS9-16 mixer?

    Looking for flight case manufacturer for Yamaha LS9-32, LS9-16 mixers. Where is it?Where is manufacturer of flight cases for Yamaha LS9-32, LS9-16 mixer?
    There's one for you, http://sales4.rackinthecases.com or http://www.rackincases.com - Racks Industrial Co., Limited

    It's a professional manufacturer for flight cases since 1996.
  • origins
  • Where can I find info on probable cause to search a motor vehicle during a traffic stop? I need laws and cases

    pulled over for speeding, car was searched and seized.

    radio dispatch cleared my license and registration. what do i do.Where can I find info on probable cause to search a motor vehicle during a traffic stop? I need laws and cases
    Your question is a little vague. What state did this happen in? Are you (or are any of the occupants) of the vehicle on probation or parole? Did you give permission for your vehicle to be searched? Do you know why it was searched? Were alcohol or drugs in the vehicle (or was there any indication that alcohol or drugs were in the vehicle?) When you say it was seized, are you referring to the police actually taking it away from you, or are you just saying it was seized while they searched it? You ask what to do...depends on what happened. Were you cited? Arrested? Was contraband of some kind found? The issue of probable cause to search anything can often hinge on very small details...I'll suggest that you're going to have a difficult time finding cases that will assist you in getting an education. You can try searching through FindLaw.Com and see where that gets you. If nothing came of the search (nobody was arrested or cited or anything), then perhaps you want to consider complaining about the officer's action to his department. If something came of it, and you're going to court, then you need to speak with an attorney. I may be able to help you sort some of this out if you'd like, but we'd probably need to do that in email. Post an address if you'd like...Where can I find info on probable cause to search a motor vehicle during a traffic stop? I need laws and cases
    Once you step into your car and enter a public road, you have pretty much given up your right to privacy. Our lawmakers have somehow decided that the constitutionally protected right to privacy is not to be enforced in automobiles.

    More and more, Americans are becoming strictly regulated, controlled and monitored by Big Brother. With the GOP still pushing for a permanent renewal of the so-called 'Patriot Act', expect less freedom and more government intrusion into your personal life- on the road AND off.
    I have posted this site that should help you out with your probable cause case. As soon as you give the officer permission or he/she can justify the search (saw a weapon, alcohol), they have ';probable cause'; to search.

    Does anyone know of any cases I can look at regarding wrongful death?

    By the way thanks to those that replied to my question earlier.

    I am looking for any cases regarding families suing companies for wrongful death due to being exposed to dangerous chemicals so I can look at them to see how mine would relate.

    agggghhhhh maybe its the holiday getting to me but my dad died after working around dangerous chemicals and I am determined to get answers. My problem is that this happened 20 years ago. The people that ran the company still have 15 million in assets. We got nothing in compensation. The company owners were friends of the family and lied to us about the dangers. I am smarter and older now and looking for the truth. This is in califonia. Just looking for cases similar

    anyone have any ideas? Thanks for the time...Does anyone know of any cases I can look at regarding wrongful death?
    I'm sure you can find a lawyer to take your case. Let them do the research. Of course they'll get 1/3.

    Has anyone noticed that there are twice the child abuse and children killing cases since casey anthony?

    its horrible how mothers %26amp; fathers can do that to little babys. they need to be put in a wood chipper!!!Has anyone noticed that there are twice the child abuse and children killing cases since casey anthony?
    Yes.. sick bastards... casey needs to have a death 100X worse than her daughterHas anyone noticed that there are twice the child abuse and children killing cases since casey anthony?
    Maybe these cases are just getting more media attention because of the market share they bring. Heightening of the savage mob mentality is not the answer, we do not live under a revenge based justice system. Take a look at countries that do.
    People who don't fear the consequence will continue to do as they please.

    20-25 years in prison, eating, drinking, medical care, exercise, hobbies; sounds like just another alternative home, just smaller.

    Why is it in some cases the woman ends up rushing a relationship and asks the guy to marry her when hes not?

    ready? And why does she get mad if he tells her no?

    No offense to all women, but I have seen quite a few be like this.Why is it in some cases the woman ends up rushing a relationship and asks the guy to marry her when hes not?
    right, all women are not like this, you ran across one who was.

    she probably gets mad for the same reason any person does, no one likes to be hurt. i've had guys completely lose it when i said 'no', so it happens on both sides.Why is it in some cases the woman ends up rushing a relationship and asks the guy to marry her when hes not?
    It may seem like a rush to someone that is not ready but, no offense to men, woman mature faster then men and are ready for commitments sooner.

    However that being said, if the man tells her he is not ready yet and she really loves him she will wait until he is ready unless it is an unreasonable time.

    Does anyone no any actually cases of divorce where the child of divorce was neglected?

    Preferably australian cases but any will definately help.

    They could have been neglected straight away or later in life or even turned out to be a criminal. Any case that i could argue that divorce laws need to be changed to benefit the children of divorce. If you can help it would be fantastic! Thanks in advance :DDoes anyone no any actually cases of divorce where the child of divorce was neglected?
    Even if the laws were changed to ';benefit the children'; it would still be the custodial parent who would be administering the funds , so nothing would alter. My parents divorced and us four kids were looked after by our father and he did a great job , our mother did not send money or anything.

    Are there any reported cases of Swine Flu in Marin County California?

    No. There have been only 7 reported cases in California, none of which are in Marin County. However, I would also recommend moving to china.Are there any reported cases of Swine Flu in Marin County California?

  • origins
  • Do you feel that the death penalty is warranted in some cases?

    just by the heinous nature of the crimeDo you feel that the death penalty is warranted in some cases?
    yes, it is, I would take it further in some cases than it is. I think some types of violent rape should require the death peanalty, also, any sexual or brutal crime against a child, as well as murder,

    The Scriptures tell us clearly that if a man kills he should die. That is the only way to make up for it. And it has been proven that for every criminal we put to death, we save 15 lives, the problem is that it's so hard to put criminals to death that a lot of murders are not scared of it, or at least not scared enough.Do you feel that the death penalty is warranted in some cases?
    Yes. I just wish it was used in every case of serial murders and crimes against children. Funny you should ask, some friends of mine have a teenage son who committed a murder. In an attempt to mug a man to get drug money, he hit the victim harder than he intended and killed him. He recently found out that there will be no plea bargain and he faces the death penalty. All I felt was sadness. I don't always agree with who gets this penalty and who doesn't. I know this boy did a terrible thing and should be punished. But then I think of his parents and how tragic this is. I don't think this young man should get death. Strange how one day you are so firm in a particular belief and then the next day something happens to test it. EDIT- His accomplice was just given life with no possibility of parole. The other is on suicide watch at our local jail awaiting trial. But it looks as though they will escape the death penalty.
    There definitely are some humans so demented and dangerous that it's tempting to just want to flush them out of this world. But I maintain that the death penalty isn't the answer.

    My opposition isn't based on religious or moral grounds, but more practical reasons.

    Sentencing ';convicted'; murderers to life without possibility of parole will:

    1) Allow the victim's friends and family to be relieved of the years of agony having to show up for all of the killer's appeals.

    2) It will cost the state far less money to incarcerate the killers than to spend decades and tax dollars trying to kill them.

    3) Innocent people convicted of murder won't be themselves murdered by the state.

    When are the new cases for the new ipod touch going to come out?

    I have seen a few iPod touch 2G cases. heres a link to a site to buy them at: http://www.powermax.com/parts/show/a-mac-msuitt?utm_source=Google%2BProduct%2BSearch%26amp;utm_medium=Referral%26amp;utm_campaign=Google%2BProduct%2BSearch%26amp;src=g. those are my favorite

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    In late 19th-century cases dealing with the rights of blacks, the Supreme Court decided that.... what?

    In late 19th-century cases dealing with the rights of blacks, the Supreme Court decided that

    A)the 14th Amendment protected citizens from private acts of discrimination, but not from governmental acts.

    B)racial segregation was constitutional, as long as each race had equal facilities.

    C)poll taxes and literacy tests were illegal.

    D) the civil rights clauses of the 15th Amendment were unconstitutional.

    E)all of theseIn late 19th-century cases dealing with the rights of blacks, the Supreme Court decided that.... what?
  • origins
  • Level of Scrutiny the Supreme Court uses in Freedom of the Press Cases?

    I have read the big cases from NY Times v Sullivan 1965 to Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier 1988 and I still can not figure out what level of Scrutiny the Court is usingLevel of Scrutiny the Supreme Court uses in Freedom of the Press Cases?
    It would be strict scrutiny

    ';Strict scrutiny 鈥?To withstand strict scrutiny, a law must be in furtherance of a compelling government interest and go no further than necessary in impeding First Amendment rights. This rigorous test is only applied when there is a substantial interference with First Amendment rights.';

    Are you supposed to use detergent when washing sheets, blankets and pillow cases?

    Yes, of course they will get cleaner that way.=)Are you supposed to use detergent when washing sheets, blankets and pillow cases?
    Yes! I don't know why you wouldn't know that. You use detergent to clean dirt out of your clothes. Your sheets, blankets %26amp; pillow cases are dirty, so why wouldn't you use detergent?????Are you supposed to use detergent when washing sheets, blankets and pillow cases?
    What else would you use? Please explain your question I am really curious as to what you thought you should use to clean your sheets!!!!!!
    Most definitely! It gets all the dirt and oils and everything else out of them from your body.
    uhm..yeah. and non-chlorine bleach too to get rid of the dust mites and other creepy crawlies.
    That would be a great idea if you want it clean.

    Water alone will not clean it.

    That's the only way you're going to get them clean.
    Yeah, of course you are! Wash it just the same way you wash clothes!!

    Is your chest big enough to put quilts in or pillow cases? Or both?

    i'm not sure if your trying to be funny or not?Is your chest big enough to put quilts in or pillow cases? Or both?
    Did you mean to put this in Words %26amp; Wordplay? Did you mean that the chest is a bit big for the blokes, or the question? ps I have so many quilts that I need a whole wardrobe - I'm afraid my chest is not adequate!Is your chest big enough to put quilts in or pillow cases? Or both?
    Hmmmm..done of those lol :)
    Your questions crack me up Sam!!! You tend to confuse so many people. However they just make me smile every time :) I meant to reply to your message yesterday, but had mistakenly deleted it. (Sorry) One of those in a big hurry day`s. I have LOTS of recipes :) Angie
    Weird question. It seems to be in English, but I don't understand a single thing you've said. Want to clarify?
    yep pillows, quilts, towels and throw overs
    Quilts!! Kingsize..lol
    It fits EVERYTHING in!

    Are there any Court cases that deal wit drug legalization?

    probably a hundred or more. Can you be more specific?

    I am looking for a good place to buy kids character pencil cases?

    son starting school in august and cant seem to find anywhere in uk that does a good selection of character pencil casesI am looking for a good place to buy kids character pencil cases?
    WH Smiths, Toys R Us, Staples, Woolies, Wilkinsons etc. All have various charaters.I am looking for a good place to buy kids character pencil cases?
    depends what characters you want? cbeebies website has some good links but your son may be a little old for that now? try ebay they have loads of cool stuff like that...might have to do a bit of searching but they are sure to have what you are looking for...my son is crazy over lightning mqueen and ive got him loads of great stuff from ebay....try it. good luck
    Woolworths and WH Smiths tend to sell a good selection of kids' pencil cases!!
    Woolworths used to do a good range...Best look in the summer though for new ranges etc
    Try http://www.icheaptoys.com

    Where can i buy Candy Bars or Beverages By Bulk or cases??? besides costco sams club bjs etc........?

    If your town has one, co-ops will sometimes sell you in bulk if you ask them.Where can i buy Candy Bars or Beverages By Bulk or cases??? besides costco sams club bjs etc........?
    for the candy - over the internet, like this place: http://www.candywarehouse.com

    i don't know what kind of beverages you're looking to get that already doesn't come in bulk, such as cases of water, 12 packs of soda, etc. the only places i've seen things such as individually canned/bottled teas and juices that come in bulk have been the stores you've mentioned.Where can i buy Candy Bars or Beverages By Bulk or cases??? besides costco sams club bjs etc........?
    The internet...

    The stores listed above are about your best shot.... I'm assuming you don't have a member ship.
    Id try walmart, they have the big bags, but not the big box's
    I recently discovered a great store by the name if Winkos. Their prices were cheaper than Costco where I also have membership to. Great thing about this store is you don't need to pay for a membership. You can even buy spices by the weight which are pretty expensive everywhere. All candies are sold by weight which is really really cheap. It's affiliated with Stater Bros.
  • origins
  • Whats is the role of the jury in criminal and civil cases?

    To decide on the facts and reach a verdict thereon.Whats is the role of the jury in criminal and civil cases?
    to decipher the magna cartaWhats is the role of the jury in criminal and civil cases?
    1. The threat of a jury trial allows cases to be settled. Juries can be used as leverage by one or both sides to foster a settlement to the case. This is probably the most common function of a jury. You'd be amazed at the number of cases that settle because turning it over to a jury is a risk few attorneys lovingly embrace.

    2. Juries decide questions of fact based on the evidence presented and the instructions of the judge.

    What are examples of cases the US supreme court would hear that fall under original jurisdiction?

    Oh good grief. Are you going to ask every question in your homework or are you going to at least attempt to learn something?

    Were there ever such cases of people hating sex and sexual matters?

    I'm just curious, because some how I hate the idea of sex, I wish sex could be simple as sneezing or coughing, so people won't make a big deal out of it.Were there ever such cases of people hating sex and sexual matters?
    You are certainly not alone, there seems to be an increasing number of people who are identifying themselves as asexuals.

    This might help you:

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AsexualityWere there ever such cases of people hating sex and sexual matters?
    How old are you? Sex is wonderful, sure there are some people who claim they don't like it but I just figure it is because they have not found the right person yet.
    Personally, I sometimes feel the same way. I've always thought of it as something thats necessary if you want kids; nothing more. The thought of oral/'unnatural' sex just makes me sick to my stomach. I must admit I don't really have 'experience' in this area, partially because of that, but unless your married and are wanting children, the things that can happen don't seem worth it to me.

    I'm not sure of the name, but there is a phobia for fear of sex and sexual subjects; fear of the opposite sex, nudity, sexual body parts, etc. Hope that helped some.
    Your largest sex organ is not where you thought it was.. LOL.. It's your BRAIN! AND... w/o your brain, you would not enjoy sex. You would instead, be a Jeffrey Daumer, or some other psycho who had sex to dominate and destroy because they have no connection to other people. So, why are you having sex if you are not married anyway? Are you just a loose whore? OH?? You are a MAN?? So what's the difference??

    Have you ever heard of someone hiring a life coach? Isn't that like a parent? What's it for in most cases?

    I'm very unfamiliar with this??Have you ever heard of someone hiring a life coach? Isn't that like a parent? What's it for in most cases?
    I life coach is literally a life coach, very much like a mentor. They assist/motivate/guide you with decision making issues such as career, education, personal, professional.

    Take a look at the following website; that should give you further clarification.


    Why do I hear no cases of swine flu from China? Are they immune to the flu?

    This is your lucky day Belfast Girl because I am free today and can write a detailed answer.

    Many people here will claim that China has put into place a very robust screening and quarantine regime for any suspect of swine flu to check the epidemic, but sadly that has not stopped the virus from spreading in China. I have information from some inside sources that in the northern province of Shanxi, many cases of swine flu has been detected and as many as 16 pockets have been quarantined. No one is being allowed to come in or go out. The only people being allowed are the masked health workers, and all of them are being kept like a prisoner lest the information reach the nosy media.

    Around 50 prison camps in China have been earmarked for keeping swine flu suspects inside China. You must remember that how nosy and secretive the communist party can be to conceal things about China. During the SARS epidemic, they obstructed outsiders to know of the epidemeic, even at the cost of endangering the lives of its citizens.

    No one can know the true figure of suspects or deaths. That's a state secret in our China.Why do I hear no cases of swine flu from China? Are they immune to the flu?
    There are cases. They're not widely publicized because it's not killing masses of people. China man has it right. I';ve had several friends return to China from the US this summer and they've been letting me know whats going on.

    CHina does indeed have a very strong ';interdiction'; program of sorts. Folks are often quarantined (entire planes) right when they land. I've had 3 friends report this back to me this summer. NO on had pig flu, so they ended up letting one out of quarantine. So yes, it's there, but it's not that big a deal.

    Not as big as SARS.

    DWhy do I hear no cases of swine flu from China? Are they immune to the flu?
    China Man is right.

    Also because of the indiscriminate use of Tamiflu, a new drug resistant version of swine flu has developed in China. That's really a cause of concern.

    But communists won't tell a thing. For them, even their fart is a state secret. LOL
    LOL yeah we're immune. We only get SARS.


    Yes, there are cases of swine flu here. When I was entering China, the customs saw that I came back from Canada and so they took me aside and took my temperature and told me to wear a mask.
    They are really cautious about it. When anyone arrives into China they take everyones temperature and if they have a fever they put them into quarinteen. They dont release them until the symptoms are gone.
    It has not really spread to such an extent as to killing off groups of people at once in Asia yet, and anyways the Communist government would try to suppress local cases as a sign of weakness.
    Chinese government does not let media report such cases.
    I haven't heard anything about swine flu in months, it was NOTHING, get over it.
    china is big country, maybe in some place in china the swine flu haven't reached there.
    because there is no one left in china to report it. they all died from swine flu
    no, they do have it there.
    having experienced bird flu, they have trained good teams for qualified biologists and doctors...

    Anybody here know about the cases related to undergroundwater in malaysia?

    bukit antarabangsa is one of the example of the casesAnybody here know about the cases related to undergroundwater in malaysia?
    its something to do with how the industrial companies are taking their water from underground chambers, this is leaving vast empty parts and the ground is slowly sinking underneath.

    hope this helps
  • engine oil
  • Has their been any cases of swine flu in kent yet ?

    I know their has been a case in devon, london , birmingham and scotland . My sister plans to go to devon to stay with a mate and then help another mate out in london with her stable yard , dont think she should go LolHas their been any cases of swine flu in kent yet ?
    Nothing in Kent, either way DON'T PANIC it does not help!Has their been any cases of swine flu in kent yet ?
    As of the current time... there is one confirmed case in Devon (Torbay), 1 in London and 1 in Birmingham.

    When you think that the case in Devon was a girl who has recently visited Mexico and infact the same for all of the current cases in the UK. also the fact that Birmingham and London are big cities and only one person in each is affected. The chances of you sister contracting the virus is VERY VERY unlikely as things are a the moment.
    Heres a map for you.It shows all the areas effected.


    Will Hollywood Video give me more money if I have my game cases when trading in games?

    I'm not sure what hollywood video is, if it's like gamestop, then yes it will

    Can anyone tell me what's the difference between two laptop cases?



    the only difference i really see is the price. Can anyone tell me what's the difference between two laptop cases?
    Note that #1 states Neoprene and is for 13'; Apple and MacBook..... # 2 doesn't state anything ( cloth??) and is for Select Apple notebooks.

    #1 Incase - Neoprene Sleeve for 13'; Apple庐 MacBook庐 Laptops - Black

    Model: CL57077 | SKU: 8740142 Our Price:


    #2 Incase - Notebook Sleeve for Select Apple庐 Notebooks - Black

    Model: CL57057 | SKU: 8020134 Our Price:


    My suggestion, look at both at Bestbuy if they are store items, or check InCase's website or Google them.

    Good luck,


    Can anyone tell me what's the difference between two laptop cases?
    i dont know but i think the 29 dollar one sounds better...could be the maker i didnt look at that

    i think this is why

    Designed for use with 13'; MacBook鈩? also fits 12'; PowerBook庐 or 12'; iBook庐 notebooks

    because it says select ....do you have one of those? if you do i would get this one cause they are the same brand

    Xbox Problem With Red Ring. But Its Not Like The Other RROD Cases?

    My xbox has the E74 error or one single red ring. It happens when i turn it on. But i have noticed that the two problems for this is the hardware inside or it can be the AV cable. Hopefully its the AV cable and i think it is because when i unplug the AV cable and turn the xbox on there is no red ring.

    What do i do?Xbox Problem With Red Ring. But Its Not Like The Other RROD Cases?
    Well That's your answer:

    If when you unplug it it goes away then go to GameStop and buy a new/used one. They sell them there pretty cheap(in-person %26amp; online). If that's not the problem when your done, you could always return the AV Cable and get Money back. And as a last resort, turn in your Xbox360 to Microsoft. They Fix it for free

    -Cya, Crooked721Xbox Problem With Red Ring. But Its Not Like The Other RROD Cases?
    The E74 is another RRoD version. Gotta send it in.

    Which states have had cases of the swine flu?

    I've heard tons of ';hearsay'; and a lot of people freaking out out this. I was told that someone close to the area that I live in and I honestly don't believe it, but I'm curious.

    Thanks in advance for all helpful answers.

    Any cases (and if you know the severity, please let me know) in IL or IN?Which states have had cases of the swine flu?
    Seriously, the way people are acting towards it you'd swear the swine flu will cause a zombie outbreak. It has the same symptoms of any other flu and with more serious **** like AIDS/HIV and TB killing millions each year, we are worried about a new flu? If you want to look at a humorous yet true article on the swine flu, click the link i have provided. Read it and you will see evidence that this is overhyped media crap.Which states have had cases of the swine flu?
    I wouldn't get scared over it. There's a lot of things you can do to prevent getting sick but even in the worst case that you do it probably won't last any longer or be any more dangerous than the regular flu. The CDC website updates the status daily and should be accurate: http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/

    The two reported cases of death were of a toddler and a woman who had other underlying health conditions. Under normal circumstances, a healthy individual will be fine. The CDC website also offers other safety tips.
    The link below will show you the cases where it has been.

    Scroll to mid section of the page and it is on the left hand side.

    Hope that this helps.
    Its been confirmed in 41 states. IL has 122 cases and IN has 15 cases; no deaths.
    My state has.. Massachusetts
    yes, in IL and WI my school is out in IL from it. i go back 2morrow tho.

    Are there any law cases dealing withe the species conservation act?

    Sure. One classic example is the Tennessee Valley Authority versus Hill.

    TVA v. Hill- Multimillion dollar damn was under construction in the Trinity River Valley. A population of snail darter fish were found in the running water in the area of the damn. When the Endangered Species Act was pasted in 1973, the construction on the damn was halted. The Courts ruled in favor of Hill (the snail darter). But the next year, congress wrote an exception in the law allowing the damn to be constructed. The snail darters died.Are there any law cases dealing withe the species conservation act?
    I will bet there are a ton of them, any time someone wants to build a mall or Walmart on open land it is affecting the lives of certain species, some of which may be listed.

    :Hydro powerplants and Salmon would be one.

    :Gray Wolves, Polar bears, everything under the sea and drilling in Alaska

    : Remember the Spotted Owl fiasco?
  • engine oil
  • Where can i get cases for my RCA Mp3 player?

    like the rubber ones.Where can i get cases for my RCA Mp3 player?
    ebayWhere can i get cases for my RCA Mp3 player?

    Are there any cases where children murder their own parents?

    mendenez boys way back in the late 80'sAre there any cases where children murder their own parents?
    Yes. Just had one in New York.

    Does anyone know where I can find a list of cases commonly studied in the first year of law school?

    go to Wikipedia.com it is the best place, just type the case name in the search box on the left.

    A court rule bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases is called?

    a. precedent

    b. criminal law

    c. a judicial law

    d. common law

    e. statutory lawA court rule bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases is called?
    A. You do realize what your are doing is cheating.*A court rule bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases is called?

    -----In common law legal systems, a precedent or authority is a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body adopts when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts.
    Are you serious?

    Which courts hear cases in which one state sues a resident (or firm) in another state?

    1)U. S. courts of appeals

    2)U.S. district courts

    3)courts of last resort

    4)All federal courts hear this type of case.Which courts hear cases in which one state sues a resident (or firm) in another state?
    It depends upon what you mean by hear. If you mean where are the trials conducted, the answer would be U.S. District Courts (though many of these cases are also heard in state courts, especially as there is a minimal dollar requirement for diversity jurisdiction). Obviously if there is an appeal from the U.S. District Court, it will be heard in the Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court could grant cert on the case.Which courts hear cases in which one state sues a resident (or firm) in another state?

    In sexual assault cases, is the criminal justice system biased against women?

    If it is biased in either direction in sexual assault cases, it is biased against MEN.In sexual assault cases, is the criminal justice system biased against women?
    Yes, they are.
  • engine oil
  • ANSWER!! In What cases does the orthodontist put ony 2 or just a few bracets on teeth?

    As the person above said if only few had to be fixed. But also if all of you teeth haven't grown in yet, because if the put them on the baby teeth you might lose them and then they'd come off the bracket and it would be a mess. And the adult teeth might grow in at different angles. If the baby teeth case happens then they make a phase one and a phase two or just wait the extra years. I had phase one and this summer (I'm assuming) I will get phase two. I hated braces when they were on but now I want them back!!!ANSWER!! In What cases does the orthodontist put ony 2 or just a few bracets on teeth?
    Normally, they do that when the child is younger, like less than 10. Because of all the baby teeth that the person may still have.ANSWER!! In What cases does the orthodontist put ony 2 or just a few bracets on teeth?
    When just a few teeth need fixing. i only had to get four one time. it's better than all the way across.
    they are probably the only teeth that need fixing

    your lucky beacuse i have them all accross

    How many new cases of trichomonas occur annually?

    i just read about this disease, and i was wondering how many new cases of it occur annually?How many new cases of trichomonas occur annually?
    Published by the CDC in 2000...

    An estimated five million cases of trichomoniasis occur each year in the United States (Cates, 1999).

    A CDC publication in May 2004 says 7.4 million per year.


    3 Million new cases of STD's are being reported amongst teens each year?

    don't you think safe sex is the need of the hour?3 Million new cases of STD's are being reported amongst teens each year?
    Yes, but they education of sex is lacking a whole lot. I remember when I was in school and we had sex ed, and they did show us all the pictures and the birth of a baby. I was traumatized, I did not have sex till I was 17, and I made sure I had a condom.

    However, I work with teen mothers and their children, and this has really gotten out of control. I think that it should be mandatory in every school starting in the 5th grade. I live in a rural community and our teen pregnancy rate is like 30%, and the numbers increase with second births. You will not believe the number of girls that I see who are only 16 with 2 kids already. I know several girls who have a min of 4 kids b/f the turn 21.

    Now you can just imagine the numbers when it comes to STI/STD's. We also have a very high rate of HIV, and we are in the top 10 in South Carolina. The majority of the cases that are diagnosed are in there late 20's and early 30's, and it takes up to 5 years for it to show in a lot of cases. I remember seeing on here the other day about this guy who was 14, and was having a problem with getting girls to have sex with him. He didn't want his guy friends to know that he was still a virgin, so he wanted to know which std was the safest. All this for friends. Its crazy, that most teens don't care because of the fact that they think that everything can be fixed with a pill.

    Using condoms for all sexual activity is a must. The also don't understand that you can pass std's by mouth. There are a lot of teens who think that having oral sex is ok, but guess again. An std can live in the back of the mouth, and still can be passed on to the areas down below without even having intercourse. I know I educated my teen moms about this all the time, because some std's don't never go away. For example, herpes!3 Million new cases of STD's are being reported amongst teens each year?
    All you have to do is read the questions and answers from the teens on yahoo answers, you'll soon understand why they're are so many std's out there, these kids now days either don't care or have no sense of danger to these std's. I have ask and then told all my grand children about std's and pregnancy, they're amazed at some things they didn't know about. The schools tell them about the ';rag'; and condoms and it ends there.
    absolutely. We need to start properly teaching children about safe sex - the current state of sex ed is a joke as witness by the fact that teen pregnancy and std's are rife. There was an interesting program on once where they tried showing kids what happens to your body when you get stds by showing them very graphic photos. They also made them watch a video of child birth. Every child came away from that class saying they would always use condoms.
    Heck ya. But, I don't think it's the number one answer among these teens. We can only hope for the BEST!
    Doesn't everyone?

    I have 10 cases of Pro Balance tube feeding suppliment and feeding bags to donate in Houston. Who do I call?

    I also have antibiotics for IV's including saline and heparin. These are all in the original packages and unopened but I cannot return any of these. I will not give these to an individual but to a clinic or some authorized group.I have 10 cases of Pro Balance tube feeding suppliment and feeding bags to donate in Houston. Who do I call?
    Houston Red Cross


    (713) 526-8300

    (713) 526-5871

    Email: information@ghac.org

    IDC Charity Clinic

    (713) 771-2251

    Free Health Clinics list


    What causes most cases of food poisoning in humans?

    what causes most cases of food poisoning in humans?What causes most cases of food poisoning in humans?
    Salmonellosis causes most of the major outbreaks of bacterial food poisoning. Frequently, the victims are not sick enough to seek medical treatment from a doctor so are never reported. Campylobacter and viruses also cause a large number of food-borne infections in populations. Go to the CDC webpage to get specific information about food poisoning incidence. http://www.cdc.govWhat causes most cases of food poisoning in humans?
    Waaay too general a question. What do you mean by ';poisoning';? Something that sends you to the doctor, or just something that sends you to the bathroom for 24 hours?

    Do Civil Cases Need an Actus Reus and Mens Rea in order to be an offence?


    I just read someting and it's thrown me off a little bit. Please explain , thanks.Do Civil Cases Need an Actus Reus and Mens Rea in order to be an offence?
    Civil decisions are legalized revenge. They mean to equalize and compensate individuals who have suffered some sort of damage, whether financial, injury, etc.

    You need no guilty mind to bring a civil case. You can be sued for accidentally trespassing on someone's land or for a child's death because they dug in your trashcan and drank Windex.Do Civil Cases Need an Actus Reus and Mens Rea in order to be an offence?
    where r u in uk or us? i understand both concepts but only pertaining to the UK law but i have not heard of it in relation to civil actions. i always thought they were concepts within criminal law; the physical act and the mental intent. Both elements need to be present for a criminal act to b committed although they need not be at the same time. i hope this helps.
  • engine oil
  • Are steel cases used for ammo annealed?

    Wolf - Barnaul - Golden Tiger - Brown Bear and many others use steel cases for making cartridges, are those steel cases annealed in order to make them soft and/or pliable like brass cases are?Are steel cases used for ammo annealed?
    based on what Ive seen out of a Mini 14 I dont think the cases are annealed. I get mouth spilts a few cases out of of 100

    As dirty as the chamers of my guns get with the cheap steel case I thing the case neck doesnt expand like soft brass or annealed steel would either.Are steel cases used for ammo annealed?
    I have no definitive answer, although i have often wondered this myself, a star for your question!

    I can only assume that they anneal, or use a mild alloy in cartridge cases in order to keep them soft.

    I hope someone answers this who knows for sure.
    I don't believe they are for the simple reason that you cannot reload a steel case. They are strictly shoot and discard. If they were annealed to keep them softer it seems that you would be able to reload them at least once.

    How many cases of bird flu had happened in Estonia?

    thx for trying to helpHow many cases of bird flu had happened in Estonia?
    none? Atleast I haven`t heard of any...How many cases of bird flu had happened in Estonia?
    Tamiflu is the brand name of Oseltamivir. Tamiflu is the medicine to block the harmful effects of influenza virus of types A and B. It is used to treat those patients who are suffering from the illness due to influenza virus.

    One should take tamiflu dosage as directed or prescribed by doctor. Do not take excess of tamiflu bird flu medicine as this may cause harsh side effects. It is recommended to start the treatment as early as possible when you see any symptoms like fever, chills, muscles ache, runny nose, or sore throat. One can consume tamiflu with or without meals.

    For more info on Tamiflu visit: http://www.onlinepharmacydrugs.net/tamif鈥?/a>

    Are there cases when John Robert Powers is not a scam?

    because the ppls told me that i was the only one they liked out of many others. is there even a small tiny TEEEEEEENY chance that they wont rip me off?Are there cases when John Robert Powers is not a scam?
    They say that to everyone, that's how they ';Get You.'; They feed on your ego. You could weigh 800 pounds and they would tell you, you can model. Did JRP tell you where you would model? Ask them where the girls model (you want names!)

    In the 1940s-1950s, Mr. Powers owned the TOP modeling agency in New York City. His models were on the covers of all of the fashion magazines.

    After his death, his ';name'; was sold, to anyone with money to purchase a JRP franchise and use his name on a ';modeling school,'; NOT a modeling agency (agencies book jobs for models.) It is NOT necessary to go to school to learn to model.

    Real modeling agencies teach you for free.

    JRP franchise owners use JRP for ';name recognition,'; to attract girls with stars in their eyes.

    A Modeling Agency books modeling jobs for their models. Have you researched whether modeling jobs exist in your city? If you live near one of these stores: Neiman-Marcus, or Saks 5th Avenue, call the Fashion Director, or go to the stores and try to locate him or her and ask how to become a model in your city, and where is the best place to for modeling training. Ask them if they think you have ';potential,'; as a model and what do they recommend you do to model.

    Unless you live in a major city, there is NO modeling industry where you live, magazine publishers, major fashion designers, and television networks, or motion picture studios, soooo, where do you think you will model? Think about it. . . . where will you model?

    If you feel strongly about JRP, do it, but . . . . don't expect to gain anything that can help you become a model.

    If you want to be a model and meet specific age, height, and weight requirements you MUST live in New York City. Do not do this if you are a minor.

    If you are a minor, do not go to Neiman-Marcus, or Saks 5th Avenue, unless a parent goes WITH you, to ask about modeling.

    NYC is the only American city with a REAL modeling industry.

    Go to: bbb.org and do a search for JRP and see if there are complaints for JRP John Robert Powers in your city.Are there cases when John Robert Powers is not a scam?
    NO, NOT everyone that auditions gets a call back! Speaking for my Nashville branch, 3 of my friends took their kids to auditions and NONE of their kids were called back. Not all JRP's may be the same, but I know the Nashville one is a great one!

    Report Abuse

    Is there a case where John Robert Powers is not a scam?

    Well... lets see...

    Is there a case where Spaghetti with meat sauce is NOT an Italian dish?

    Is there a case where Ocean Water does NOT contain salt?

    Is there a case where The President of The United States does NOT live in The White House?

    and, most importantly....

    Is there a case where a Snake is NOT a Reptile?

    Honey... if you were the only one they liked out of all the others, it is because they think you or your parents have lots and lots of money, and would be stupid enough to give it to them.
    never! always a scam!
    No. It is all a major scam. Everyone knows. No one will take you seriously and you won't get casted in anything. They will rip you off and rip you apart. DON'T.

    What exactly do the summarized appendices in Supreme Court cases mean?

    In general, are the cases summarized in the appendices of U.S. Supreme Court cases actual cases decided on by the Court?

    Specifically, are the summarized cases (e.g., ';ALABAMA Page No. 00002 discrimination against the mentally ill in city zoning process';) located in the in the appendix of the following linked Court case actual cases decided on by the Supreme Court?

    If so, how would I go about finding out the specifics of a summarized case?

    Here's the link:

    http://www.accessiblesociety.org/garrettruling.htmlWhat exactly do the summarized appendices in Supreme Court cases mean?
    Not necessarily. The specific one you are citing in your question is from Submissions made by individuals to the Task Force on Rights and Empowerment of Americans with Disabilities and was used as a reference to support the point of dissenting judge Breyer.

    I believe that these are individual letters which outline facts which he used to make his decision. These items are located in this particular file in the court clerk's office. You would have to pull this particular case file to see these items. (This is noted just under the section title as follows: See the Government鈥檚 Lodging (available in Clerk of Court鈥檚 case file.)

    There are other citations in these appendices which are case law. These however, are not.

    If you need specfics on a case you will have to search on the case name. Unless the case is note worthy you may not find much on them without paid access like Lexis or Westlaw.What exactly do the summarized appendices in Supreme Court cases mean?
    Yes, I think what you are describing are prior case law references - which you can look up in a law library ormaybe via FindLaw.com

    What is the etymology of Upper cases and Lower Cases?

    It comes from when moveable type was placed by hand into stocks for printing. The letters were kept in a standardized order in cases. There were different cases for different fonts. Usually the capital letters were kept in a case placed above the lower case letters, hence the names upper case and lower case.

    In most cases, is it easier to find an answer on Yahoo! Answers or Google-ing it?

    For any kind of fact: medical info, song lyrics, etc, google is definitely better.

    For any kind of opinion, advice or poll, yahoo answers is your best bet.

    For example the question you asked is perfect for yahoo answers.In most cases, is it easier to find an answer on Yahoo! Answers or Google-ing it?
    Most cases I'd say googling it is quicker, for general questions which could be easily found in Wikipedia that is. But for more opinionated based questions or questions that are specific to a problem in programming etc Yahoo Answers gets the easiest answers.

    A lot of times if I have a question I can tell if it's better searched on google or asked on Yahoo just based off what the question is.In most cases, is it easier to find an answer on Yahoo! Answers or Google-ing it?
    Googling it is usually easier, but Yahoo! Answers is more fun. I'd rather get answers from real people than from some article filled with boring statistics.
    Do you want facts, or opinions?

    for opinions, Yahoo Answers by far

    For facts, stats, etc. Google

    this is the best answer. u kno it
    On Answers.
    I would have to agree.
  • engine oil
  • What happened to the Republican party? Is it just me or are they really are all crazy nut cases? I use to be?

    I use to be a Republican...but I swear I could never go back....as a Registered Nurse (MSN) I see that we need health care reform...and we need to have a single payer system...we also need government regulation and rules to play by.....Reaganomics and trickle down theory will not work.....What happened to the Republican party? Is it just me or are they really are all crazy nut cases? I use to be?
    I'm Republican and I'm not a nutcase. I just prefer a non-socialist government.What happened to the Republican party? Is it just me or are they really are all crazy nut cases? I use to be?
    I used to be a Republican back when there were moderate Republicans and the neocons and Reaganites and religious right hadn't taken over the party. That is what happened. Now I am a proud Obama supporter. Now I would have nothing to do with these extremist nuts and their conspiracy theories. Republicans are on the whole more racist, less educated, and inclined to believe the most insane fantasies are fact. Reaganomics was proven not to work just as similar ideas were in the past, only the rich got richer, but Republicans never learn.
    Single payer is the ultimate fear of conservatives. This is what Great Britain and Canada have. The British think we're nuts for even contemplating it.

    Tort reform is a start. You should know better than anybody how much malpractice insurance and suits cost doctors. The one good thing about Obamacare is portable, electronic records (security still an issue). Tort reform would also go a long way in eliminating redundant tests. Another step in that area would be to create a certification for each type test. A certified test can be made in Omaha and used without fear of lawsuit by a doctor in L.A.

    Medical plans that can follow you after you leave a place of work would be a big help. It would be kind of like an IRA. COBRA sucks.

    Multi-state associations would increase competition.
    Yes, I used to be Republican also, and now am an independent.

    The Republican party has indeed fell apart, and has been taken over by right wing nut cases.

    Leaders such as Colin Powell and others see this.

    As long as the party continues like it is, it will continue to be pretty much irrelevant.

    They need a strong moderate leader to emerge. Surely there is one somewhere.
    Reaganomics did work. Read about the Laffer curve. It's admirable to want to help people and fix a problem. I'm not a Republican, because I think they're too moderate. The Gov't is like a corporate monopoly of astronomical proportions, and they manage money worse than GM. The solution lies in tweaking the free market, not eliminating it.
    There are reasonable Republicans, but now they are afraid to distance themselves from the nut cases for fear of splitting the party. That will happen in 2012 though, when the right wing fringe tries to nominate Sarah Palin for president.
    I'm a nurse, and need my money to bad to redistribute it to people who do not want to go to college and better themselves

    if you are truly a nurse, you would know most nurses and doctors do not want national healthcare, at least not in the hospital i work
    Isn't freedom of choice wonderous, and you are in the minority.
    You used to be Republican? So you've regressed back to childlike delusions? People usually grow up and out of their liberal utopianism.
    You and me both. I was a rep until I was about 32, then I grew up. But, back then, reps weren't like this. Now they believe in crazy conspiracies, and are waaaayyyy out there.
    Bravo! Big Insurance doesn't want competition. And in California, United Health is denying 35% of its claims.
    Right. I know plenty of registered nurses who see what a disaster Obama's plan will be.
    REpublicans thrive off anger and point the blame on others. Conservatives in general base their entire system on fighting change...how would anyone want to be apart of that?
    Ya uh huh I need a liberal to tell me if my newborn who was born 11 weeks early should be able to live or die. Sure.

    I will stick to the republican party.
    Gee - how come tort reform never gets mentioned?

    p.s. I wouldn't mind seeing your wages get cut - you sound a little too pompous for my tastes.
    Based on your train of thought, I'm glad you took it of the Republican transit system. They are better off without you.
    English lesson for the day: ';use'; should be ';used';.
    Evidently, we're the majority.

    Unless you want to admit that Van Jones was forced to resign all because of Glen Beck.
    Oh yeah sure, we are all crazy nuts............ but look who just resigned from congress??????? Guess he couldn't take the heat! LOL!!!
    Its just you
    you will make a fine commie

    I agree. They are nuts.
    keep thinking like you do it will only help us

    do we need to redo our healthcare yes

    but do we need obama care? no
    blah blah blah, no we dont..

    Stop watching msnbc late at night..
    It is all they have going for them right now.

    -they lost power after seriously f-ing everything up

    -they have no solutions for the current problems

    so, what do they do? They obstruct government and deceive the public.
    If you want to see a bunch of simply crazy comments, go frequent the Republican sites and read the comments left on the message boards.
    the Republicans basically decided to pander to the religious right...

    turn against science... and focus on nationalism and the Bible...
    The party has been infiltrated by Conservatives that make it hard for true Republicans.

    Where on the internet can I buy a knive cases?

    http://collectibles.search.ebay.com/knif鈥?/a>Where on the internet can I buy a knive cases?
    You will find an assortment of cases and everything to do with knives at smokeymountainknifeworks.com

    This is the largest dealer in knives and knife accesories in the world. i buy from them often. A good company to deal with.Where on the internet can I buy a knive cases?
    just run a search for ';knife cases';
    Probably ebay they have everything

    Does anyone know where to look up child support cases online?

    go to your states website, then do a search for the attorney generals office, then do a search there, if you have a case number and password you can look up the history as well as payment scheduleDoes anyone know where to look up child support cases online?

    To look up information on a specific case you will have to have your customer Identification number and your password which is usually the last four numbers of your SSN. Good luck on getting help. I have had more than my share of problems with gettiing my court ordered child support.Does anyone know where to look up child support cases online?
    dont think you can my dear, ours is dealt with at our local friend of the court,.,......... CArlos is a douche,lol
    it is a family court matter which is normally sealed.

    If you have a child in need of support it has nothing to do with the mother the money is for the child even if you dont need it to live put it in an acct for the child for college or to buy a car or what ever. Dont listen to anyone that says your child doesnt deserve to have both parents financially support them
    Depends on your state. Check your state website. Here in NJ it's NJ childsupport.com
    trying to get as much money from the father I see. Quit being lazy, get a job, and quit making men's life miserable.

    Looking for cases in federal court overuling sovereign immunity?

    I am dealing with HUD and a Hawaii state housing agency funded by HUD both violating my handicapped housing rights under the Fair Housing Act. HUD is hiding behind federal sovereign immunity, but has already committed perjury misrepresenting evidence. I am homeless for 4 years and pro se in both courts.Looking for cases in federal court overuling sovereign immunity?
    No court has ruled that the US does not have sovereign immunity. The US may, by statute, waive sovereign immunity in certain types of cases, but courts will not find a waiver unless it is clear that the statute waived immunity.

    Likewise, a US State has sovereign immunity and again waiver will not be implied, but must be explicit.

    Have you tried naming the Secretary of HUD and the corresponding Hawaiian official? If you name the individuals, the court may be able to grant you injunctive relief as to future events and actions, but will not be able to grant you damages for past actions.Looking for cases in federal court overuling sovereign immunity?
    Corrected spelling, ';Even'; in his short answer he gave a lot. Heartfelt thanks.

    Report Abuse

    When you get an answer, I want to know how to deal with the sovereign immunity. If you type in a search for U.S. sued, it pulls all kinds of stuff.

    Saturday, August 7, 2010

    Why, Cassette-cases, records and other plastic objects soon become dusty?

    Static Electricity.Why, Cassette-cases, records and other plastic objects soon become dusty?
    Dust particles fall evenly among everything, unless disrupted by electrons or air molecules in motion. vinyl is inherently waterproof, the free'er of electrons.Why, Cassette-cases, records and other plastic objects soon become dusty?
    static electricity and lack of use.

    Is Lowi's criticism of pluralism vindicated by the cases of the lobbyists, janitors for justice?

    yes, it is.
  • engine oil
  • Legal aid time limits, is there one for civil cases?

    I was told someone was presuing me via legal aid for a beauty treatment they were unhappy with this was six months ago, when I am likely to recieve a summons?

    My insurance company refused to pay out twice to her, but she did get legal aid.Legal aid time limits, is there one for civil cases?
    Assuming that this is in the UK, as the question has cropped up in our listings, the time limit for claims in negligence, which is what this would come under, is 3 years. Obviously, the more time that has passed since the incident itself, the more difficult it becomes for someone to prove their claim.Legal aid time limits, is there one for civil cases?
    old.holly265 has the right answer, assuming you are in the UK. Just to add to this...

    The first step in the litigation process will not be a summons or anything like that. First, the claimant's solicitor has to send you a ';pre-action letter'; laying out the nature of the compliant and giving you an opportunity to settle the matter without going to court. If you haven't received such a letter in six months. I suspect you won't be getting one.
    In California it would be a minimum of 2 years for breach of contract (oral). I don't know where you are, but you probably still have some time to go before the statute of limitations (time limit to file a lawsuit) runs out. Your insurance company can probably tell you.
    You would have to know if the claim will be malpractice or breach of contract, then just go to your States law section and find out when does her right to sue ends.


    Where can I get the best iPhone 3g 8gb cases that will protect the entire body and screen, but look very cool?

    Any help and links is appreciated =]Where can I get the best iPhone 3g 8gb cases that will protect the entire body and screen, but look very cool?
    You can buy it from


    Hope this helps

    Good luck!

    Are guys in colorguards better than girls in some cases?

    Some people tell me that guys are usually dominant, and others just say they are in it for attention only and are never really good.Are guys in colorguards better than girls in some cases?
    My friend, Taylor, was in it in high school and he was really good. In fact, he felt he grew past it and moved on to cheer-leading.

    Are all lawyers required to do pro bono cases?

    Are lawyers *required* to do a specific number of hours for pro bono cases or is it just *recommended* by the state bar?Are all lawyers required to do pro bono cases?
    Requirements and recommendations for service:

    Lawyers in the United States are recommended under American Bar Association (ABA) ethical rules to contribute at least fifty hours of pro bono service per year. Some state bar associations, however, may recommend fewer hours. The New York State Bar Association, for example, recommends just twenty hours of pro bono service annually, while the New York City Bar promulgates the same recommendation as the ABA.Are all lawyers required to do pro bono cases?
    No, only the ones that care about the world outside their office.
    This is state-specific. In my state all lawyers are required to do pro bono work, but you have to check with your own state bar association.

    How much powerpoint do lawyers do on their cases when they get ready for trial?

    Personal injury lawyers use PowerPoint in big cases for mediation, settlement conferecnes and in re-eneactments for trials.How much powerpoint do lawyers do on their cases when they get ready for trial?
    unless it is a huge trial with alot of photo evidence like a murder trial, attorneys rarely use powerpoint. It is too time consuming and frankly, most crimes don't need that kind of evidence to begin with.

    Alot of people watch too many crime dramas on t.v. and get big ideas about how a case is presented.

    Trust me, court proceedings are nothing like what you see on Law and Order.How much powerpoint do lawyers do on their cases when they get ready for trial?
    I think most lawyers use Excel more thand PowerPoint...helps them keep track of their billing hours.

    Word is probably a close second, since they have to file motions, and briefs and whatnot.

    Following cases use a periodic inventory systems to identity the items designated by the letters x n y?

    a) purchases - x - y = net purchases

    b) cost of goods purchases - net purchases = x

    c) beginning inventory + x = cost of goods available for sale

    D) cost of goods available for sale - cost of goods sold = xFollowing cases use a periodic inventory systems to identity the items designated by the letters x n y?
    =cost of goods available for sale - cost of goods sold = ending inventory

    = beginning inv + net purchases = cost of goods available for sale

    = cost of goods purchased - net purchases = beginning inv

    = net purchases + costs of conversion +other costs = cost of goods purchased
  • engine oil
  • What cases have impacted law enforcement practices?

    Here are two BIG ones:

    Miranda v. Arizona

    Terry v. OhioWhat cases have impacted law enforcement practices?
    O.K. how about these:

    United States v. Draper - Setting the standard for probable cause.

    Mapp v. Ohio - Evidence obtained by police illegally may not be used in court.

    Chimel v. California - A warrant for an arrest does not justify searching the entire home.

    Report Abuse

    What cases have impacted law enforcement practices?
    Miranda v. Arizona

    ';you have the right to remain silent....';

    Couple of things that has effected law enforcement is the guy backing into the patrol car and making the air bag inflate, alot of patrol cars have bumper guards on front end to prevent this now.Another is the police have cameras in their cars to prove their case in court.Both these have been a result of court cases.
    Brown vs state
    You have the right to remain silent... Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney.... These Miranda warnings/rights came from ';Miranda v. Arizona';

    Where i could find a list of criminal cases in Puerto Rico?

    ok here's the deal im looking for criminal records in Puerto Rico of two people there name's are Phillip Rivera and Natalio Rivera im looking for those records because one of them is my boyfriend and he told me he was criminal before so i just want to make sure what kind of guy im trusting that's all. So please people try and answer my question !!!Where i could find a list of criminal cases in Puerto Rico?
    You might one to try this site http://www.tribunalpr.org/OAT/servlet/Bu鈥?/a> which is a database of cases in Puerto Rico. It's in Spanish, though. It would be helpful if you could find out your boyfriend's second last name (his mother's maiden name) since people in Puerto Rico write their name by first name, middle name, father's last name and mother's maiden name. If that doesn't work, you might want to try a background check but, you will most likely need to pay for it. Good luck on your search.

    The best way to objectively learn about court cases is to what?

    If there is a trial attend. Then try to obtain police reports, some states that is public information. Then follow up with research from papers in the area.The best way to objectively learn about court cases is to what?
    Read what the court says and then


    Then do a news paper research on what the news person saw


    This way you will see what both sides of the investigating team sees


    Not just one side of the fence so to say

    ..The best way to objectively learn about court cases is to what?
    Go to law school?

    Findlaw.com is a great resource to read about various cases around the country (and I think there's international on there too), but you'll be looking @ jibberish if you don't know the terms and language.
    eat my dust!

    Where can I find information on HIPAA court cases?

    I used Findlaw.com alot...you can find just about anything on there, including cases.Where can I find information on HIPAA court cases?
    You won't. In the history of HIPAA, there have been a total of maybe three court actions. Most of the time, Health %26amp; Human Services, upon receiving a report of a HIPAA violation, will simply ';educate'; the offending practitioner so that violations do not reoccur.Where can I find information on HIPAA court cases?
    Sorry, Adam, I am not familiar with this. I cannot help you.

    All I can say is ';How are you?'; I hope you're doing fine. :-)
    hhs.gov is the governing body. There us to be a HIPAA reference page on www.hipaaexams.com but I don't see it now.
    In law library's and case file transcripts.
    try on the FDA SITE,,

    Do paralegals deal with child abuse or murder cases or only real estate and stuff like that?

    Paralegals deal with all kinds of law. Think of them as super-secretaries, or research assistants for their attorneys. They take care of the details (often massive amounts of critical details) so their attorneys can think about big-picture stuff.

    Censorship is fear of the truth in some cases huh boy?

    You don't skeer me.Censorship is fear of the truth in some cases huh boy?
    You're right. That's why some governments impose it. They don't want their citizens to be aware of certain information that could lead to revolution against the gov't.Censorship is fear of the truth in some cases huh boy?
    The ones doing the censoring are the ones in fear.
  • engine oil
  • Stores in toronto that sell nice blackberry curve cases?

    hello everyone,

    i am getting very sick of the blackberry skins.. i dont really like any of the colours and i have seen purple ones on ebay but the problem is i dont have a credit card.. does anyone know if there are any stores in toronto that sell different skins? thanksStores in toronto that sell nice blackberry curve cases?
    i have no idea since i dont live there, but you can get paypal and 'connect' it with your back account. thats how i pay for my ebay purchases and it works really good.

    Used by Queen Isabella, what does the quote, ';shall have taken the usual oath in such cases';, mean?

    In class we are doing a mock trial on Christopher Columbus, charging him for genocide, slavery, etc. In one of our documents, written by Queen Isabella detailing Columbus's abilities in the New World, the phrase, ';shall have taken the usual oath in such cases';, is used.

    Does anyone know what this ';oath'; is?

    Much thanks!

    Link to letter: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/15th_century/colum.aspUsed by Queen Isabella, what does the quote, ';shall have taken the usual oath in such cases';, mean?
    OATH - A declaration made according to law, before a competent tribunal or officer, to tell the truth; or it is the act of one who, when lawfully required to tell the truth, takes God to witness that what he says is true. It is a religious act by which the party invokes God not only to witness the truth and sincerity of his promise but also to avenge his imposture or violated faith, or in other words to punish his perjury if he shall be guilty of it.

    In cases of parenting mistakes/ wilful children, why is it that?

    some regular CE users think that social services can dive in and snatch the kids away from that family home and it will be better for them?

    Should families be split at the first sign of a mistake or should they be helped to work together?

    i guess what i am saying is why do some people think that children are automatically better off in care?In cases of parenting mistakes/ wilful children, why is it that?
    families should be helped to work together.In cases of parenting mistakes/ wilful children, why is it that?
    Social services are not there purely to take children away from their parents. For a start they do not just work with children but on the side of all vulnerable members of society but that's for a different rant.

    Social services will work with the family and make sure they have exhausted every option of making a family work before a child is taken off a parent. And that means things like counselling, advising the parent on parenting skills, respite care (weekends with another relative or at a foster carers).

    The majority of times if the child is taken away from their parents they will be placed with a relative so that the parent can still maintain a relationship with the child under supervision.

    Social services have a hard job, they are either painted as child snatchers or pencil pushers who do nothing, thanks the tabloids printing every failing.

    They cannot see to a family if the suspected abuse is not reported. And now you cannot report anonymously as too many people were abusing the system.
    Social Services primary aim is to keep families together...whilst ensuring the welfare of the child at the same time.

    Families that are identified as having any type of problems,which need further intervention first have to be visited by 2 social workers who make their seperate assessment of the living situation.

    This then sets off a chain of events,involving several meetings with care managers,social workers,key workers,the police,GP's and anyone else involved in an official capacity..This can take weeks,if not months...a lot of input is needed,from a lot of people,just to set the wheels in motion.

    Unless this a particularly urgent case, parents are offered practical solutions,as 'not here' said,family support workers,counsellors,respite care etc...

    It's not as easy as knocking on someones door,and saying ';You're a druggy chav - hand over your kids';

    Some terrible mistakes have been made of late,but in my mind,better training and more social workers are needed before this problem can even begin to be addressed.

    In short...people should spend less time being outraged,and look at the bigger picture.

    There ya go....rant over!
    Families should certainly not be split at the first sign of a mistake. Unfortunately, the cases that come to press however are very different from this - quite often, these children have been let down by social workers, the police, doctors and consultants. This causes public outrage to see a young child die when a layman could see that a child is being physically and mentally abused. Baby P is a good example of course but he isn't the first to be let down and he will not be the last.

    Children do not generally do well in the care system and so wherever possible it is best to keep them with their parents but only if they are not being beaten half to death. My parents used to foster children and I have seen some sights I can tell you - children covered from head to foot in bruises, children that are scared of the rain because they have never been out in it in their lives - we had one kid that couldn't walk properly - why, because he had shoes that were several sizes too small. The sad thing is that most of the time, those kids do go back to the parents and as foster carers, we just prayed to god that the parents had learned some kind of lessons.

    More help does need to be given to parents that geniunely want help and are prepared to let the right people into their lives to get it. Sadly, if you are abusing your child, you are more likely to want to hide from authorities and do just about anything to avoid social services rather than let them in to help.

    Every child deserves to be bought up in a caring environment, free from abuse, free from fear and be to be guided into adulthood to be balanced and positive people who can make something of their lives.
    I think that all children should be cared for. I know that parenting is the hardest job in the world (which is why I`ve chosen not to do that). I think parents should be encouraged in seeking support, and the stigma in asking for help in parenting should be lessened.

    The child is the most important one, though. If that child has to be cared for by other people (ie: `in care`) then that should happen. Life is precious, and children are the weakest members of our society therefore should be the highest priority.
    It has been the practice to keep kids with their parents at all costs for a while now and that came about for a reason.

    As sad as it is, the bond and attachment a child feels towards a parent is immeasurable. Children who went through the care system at the time when they were removed at first sign of any neglect all wished they had been left and their parents supported. That system was shown to have the least ill effects on a child .

    It's hard to accept when you see druggies with kids - christ knows I've seen many in my time , their kids running behind their trail of chaos :(

    Yet unless the child is living with serious abuse such as it threatens their life then no matter what anyone says on this board - the child should stay.Most look at the problem far too simply. I've got two mates who are social workers btw one of them works with the probabtion service.

    Care in this country is no fail safe. 75% of the prison population went through the care system. 75 % how utterly fooking damning is that?

    Besides most of the really bad drum bangers on here have issues ~ for all there anti this, and anti that, and zero tolerance blah blah I wouldn't let my kids within an inch of them, it's the old adage of those who shout the loudest.....
    Because judging other people, and finding them wanting, makes us feel better about ourselves.

    If every child being raised by crap parents were to be put into care it would start to look like the pied piper had come to town.

    And these knee jerk comments are usually made by people who have ZERO knowledge of social services and the care system.
    being a parent can be the hardest thing in the world and sometimes we make mistakes

    I think a lot of the time things can be worked out within the family with some added help but in the case of abuse then i the child is in most instances better off away from the abuser (but that's not to say things can't be worked out in those instances either)
    There are plenty of horror stories about foster care homes including slavery, prostitution, and torture. So kids are at risk in the ';System'; as well as in their parent's home or homes.
    i think kids are better off with responsible parents, whether they are the biological parents or not.

    i know 2 couples who want kids but can't have any, they would give their right arms for a child like peter connolly.
    Its a knee jerk reaction when cases like baby p come to light, people just want children to be safe.
    yes whip them all into care. especially the ones who feed their children sweets and crisps during meal times.. terrible

    Do you know where I can get court cases history and court documents for free?

    Website pleaseDo you know where I can get court cases history and court documents for free?
    State and county specific. Some do; some don't. Post a location; or call the county clerk's office.Do you know where I can get court cases history and court documents for free?
    Go to findlaw.com and click on the attorney's tab and follow down to the segment you want. They have all of the court cases for the U. S. Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals. It's all FREE.

    The most common kind of issue in court cases related to copyright matters has been ??

    Infringement. Illegal copying of material beyond a reasonable amount under the ';fair use'; doctrine. Making a profit off of someone else's work, either by direct copying or by using that other work as an uncredited bases for your own work.The most common kind of issue in court cases related to copyright matters has been ??
    the music industry has been the most recent

    Why did The_Doc_ give a definition to a question? As if that really answered your question.The most common kind of issue in court cases related to copyright matters has been ??
  • engine oil
  • How do i find info on past homicide cases in my county?

    I want to do some reading on past homicides in chelan county washington,from the years of 1950-2006.any info really,maybe newspaper or other??public?? Thanks!!How do i find info on past homicide cases in my county?
    Ask your library reference librarian for help.How do i find info on past homicide cases in my county?
    try the fbi website

    Try this. Good luck
    Your local newspaper will have a ';morgue'; (no pun intended). That's where the old stories are kept. Additionally, your local clerk of court's office keeps records of all homicide cases prosecuted in court. Those are ';public'; records, so you have access to the court files.
    The FBI can only give you statistics, their Uniform Crime Report information goes back to 1930.

    If you want stories and outcomes of investigations your best bet, since you are living in a small and peaceful area, is the local library for old newspapers, any local newspaper office that might maintain their own ';morgue';or a local college or historical society where someone with the same interests may have done the work already.

    Health insurance lawsuits-where would I look for cases filed against insurance companies here in canada?

    I am looking for cases on a domestic level, not corporate against corporate, not sure where to start. Everything i search under legal, case studies, etc, only brings up lawyers who want to quote u on services. Help.Health insurance lawsuits-where would I look for cases filed against insurance companies here in canada?
    Try these two websites. I hope this is what you needed.


    http://www.levinlaw.com/PracticeAreas/Vi鈥?/a>Health insurance lawsuits-where would I look for cases filed against insurance companies here in canada?

    Have you tried the Better Business Bureau?

    Hope this helps you............. : -O

    Do cases get audited once they are discharged?

    Bankruptcy questionDo cases get audited once they are discharged?
    This isn't even close to a coherent question. Try again.Do cases get audited once they are discharged?
    I think we are all audited by the IRS. Too many people try to cheat.

    What is a good website to find law cases?


    Perhaps not surprisingly :)What is a good website to find law cases?
    It depends what cases you're looking for. A good place to start would be the website for your local state government, which may or may not provide published case law for free over the internet.

    Do we need a TRIBUNAL to decide criminal cases that are not defined adequately by present laws?

    Can extrajudicial measures help to ensure that vulnerable people are not, or have not been, unjustly convicted? There ARE extrajudicial measures for young offenders; however, they assume guilt. For some groups (eg.mentally disabled), there are insufficient JUDICIAL measures to ensure that the INNOCENT ARE NOT FOUND GUILTY. See www.amnesty.org/ailib/intcam/f...

    There ARE TRIBUNALS to decide if people qualify for disability pensions. Should tribunals be considered for cases not adequately defined by CRIMINAL law? Should anyone suffer due to a flawed legal system in Canada? Could a tribunal be used to diagnose flaws and lead to new laws? My suggestion: a tribunal serve 1 purpose only 鈥?to intervene for those who may be wrongly convicted 鈥?and would EXCLUDE EXTRAJUDICIAL SANCTIONS. Remember, the courts have become enlightened about other minorities, so my suggestion is not unrealistic. ALTERNATIVES? Would like to here from amyone, but want to know your familiarity with the issue.Do we need a TRIBUNAL to decide criminal cases that are not defined adequately by present laws?
    You are touching on an issue ignored by mainstream. Your suggestion is worth pursuing - but keep in mind status quo is difficult to change.
